Friday, May 25, 2012

Beautiful Feet

Romans 10:15 "How beautiful are the feet that bring the good news!"

Last May I organized Barefoot Sunday to collect shoes for Rwanda, the St. Paul's Shoe Bank, other shoe banks and Nicaragua. Once I returned from Rwanda I realized the ministry connection was kids-to-kids and teens-to-teens. This was an opportunity to build leaders among our children and youth at St. Paul's. Leaders in mission.

Working with Tori VonLeer, Children's Ministry Director, was key. Her enthusiasm and amazing connection with the children and their parents got me started. Two 6th graders, Mollie and Leah volunteered to be coordinators of the Beautiful Feet shoe collection. And their moms Andrea and Patty worked alongside them. Then Tori had two children from each grade, 1st - 5th, volunteer to become class reps to communicate to their classes and make posters. Thank you Cooper, Hayden, Madeline, Rachel, Paige, Sarah, Reigen, Davis, Thomasin, Caroline, Kendall, Cassie and Lizzie.

Next posters were made to hang throughout the church and education building. Coordinators Mollie, Leah and Paige gave the Mission Moment at both services to tell the church about this project. Then on Children's Sunday April 22nd, with many children gathered around, they gave the Children's Message.

We even had a pizza party so the class reps could see pictures of my visit to Rwanda as well as meet Vincent Niyodusenga and ask him questions. They were not thrilled that dessert in Rwanda was only fruit. Also surprising to them was the fact there are 65 kids in each classroom. And before the party was over, empty baskets were balanced on heads. They couldn't imagine balancing a full basket.

These children are curious, loving,
respectful towards each other and ready to serve.

Luke 18:16 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."

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