Wednesday, June 5, 2013

AG Projects

Last time Dave and Kira were in Rwanda they implemented new procedures for feeding the animals, located and purchased fields of grasses, repaired equipment, built mangers and pens and so much more.

With agriculture and livestock reference books they will work with the new Rwandese farm manger, Eugene. He is also a vet.

Projects on their list include:

•Working on the rabbit hutches to improve sanitation to prevent disease.

•Identifying animals with tattoos in their ears and develop record cards for breeding purposes.

•Purchase a male pig that St. Paul's Sunday School class raised money for.

•Possibly build a french drain to resolve the problem of runoff when cleaning the animal pens.

•Build a chicken tiller that will help to prepare the garden for planting. A few chickens will be inside the tiller which can be easily moved from one part of the garden to another. The chickens will also fertilize the ground.

•Dig a pit silo to store forage during the dry season. It will be 3 meters in diameter and 2 meters deep to store 7-8 tons of silage. It will feed two cows for a month. The pit can be maintained and used for several years.

The question is what to start with!
•Off to purchase the pig. Kira in discussions.
•Paul and Dave looking over farm equipment, a grass cutter.
•Dave and Joanne checking out the broilers.

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