Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Everything Rwanda" Kids Area

Since Art for Rwanda was a cultural experience we decided there would be a room specifically for children and their families. But it was actually visited by almost everyone.

This "Everything Rwanda" room had framed pictures drawn by children in Rwanda, baskets to play with and carry on your head, drums and other musical instruments to play and an art area. It focused on interactive learning. And of course there was the huge African map I wrote about.

Our hope is that the children and parents learned about this beautiful country and it's culture.

Thank you to our kids volunteers Joanna, Anne, Laura, Jill, Nina and Rachel.

*Joshua, Yannick and Peter balancing baskets
*Rachel who has helped with Rwanda mission projects through St. Paul's United Methodist Church for several years.
*Lise, after dancing, is trying her hand at drumming

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