Saturday, August 1, 2015

Danielle and Dave Pt 6

Day 5 (Another Rainy Day, Thursday)
It rained early in the morning and throughout the afternoon. This means another day where some work could not get done around the orphanage. We were most worried about the feed in the silo getting too wet and being at risk to rot again. Grandpa Howell and I got someone to drive us into town as soon as possible since it was raining too hard for motorbike taxis. He bought two large tarps and we rushed back to cover the silo. Hopefully, it will be fine.

We checked on the rabbits and found they had chewed two large holes in the siding of the wire. One of the rabbits was sitting on top of the feed outside of its cage. We repaired the hole by stringing wire through. Hopefully, the fix will last. Not much else can be done on a rainy day.

Day 6 (Play Day, Friday)
There was a man singing outside the orphanage around 3 a.m. He was the only sound for the 20 minutes his song lasted. After he finished, there was silence for over an hour. No cars, no chirping, and no wind.

Today I spent most of the day playing with the kids. We went on the playground and I took pictures of them playing with each other. I’ve noticed that the kids in Rwanda are more open with each other than kids from America. They hold hands more often and make sure that everyone is included in play, despite gender differences. In America, play is usually determined along gender lines; the boys usually play sports and the girls play games that involve being quiet. That doesn’t seem to be much of a problem with the kids in Rwanda. The girls and the boys play with each other in all sorts of games.

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