Thursday, March 17, 2016

Graphing Rainfall 2

It was great to watch as the kids worked together in teams. They made sure their data was correct on the graph and that each had a turn to color in the bars.

This was Emmanuel's 3rd grade class that actually worked on a graphing project last year. This time it was tied into the theme of water. Lots of discussion as they compared the monthly rainfall in Rwanda and Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is fairly consistent from between 7-9cm. rwanda on the otherhand has a huge rainfall amount of 15 cm in April and a low of 1cm in July.

Then they shared who should be watching the rainfall and they all agreed it was most important to farmers and those in construction.

Yeah teams!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's my measurement for rainfall in Pennsylvania ......... A LOT!!! Hahahahaha
    Miss you Carol. :-)
