Friday, March 28, 2014

ABC Book 1

What fun to have children share common projects across the world. That's what our classroom partnerships are all about. The ABC Book is a joint project with two classes at Houserville Elementary School.

I decided to have two books made. One would have words associated with Rwanda such as B is for Baskets, C is for Chameleon, O is for On my Head and U is for Umuganda (community service day). The other book the children could chose which word they wanted to use with the help of their teacher.

The Rwanda book had difficulty with having a children do Umuganda so they changed the letter U to Umbrella. During the teacher meeting the teachers said they should not overlook the importance of Umuganda.

The teachers chose to create a new project. A book about Umuganda where they would discuss the importance of this day then in groups in one class draw and write about it to share with classes in the US.

Creativity continues to grow!!!!

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