Friday, May 25, 2012

Children's Message

April 22nd was Children's Sunday and the message was given by 6th graders Mollie and Leah, coordinators of the Beautiful Feet shoe collection.

Leah: Did you know the Bible talks about beautiful feet? Romans chapter 10 says, "How beautiful are the feet that bring good news!"

Mollie: Do you know why it says that those who tell others about Jesus have beautiful feet? If you wanted to deliver an important message to someone far away, you gave it to a messenger and they would use their beautiful feet to deliver it.

Leah: Do you think the pastors have beautiful feet? And the Sunday School teachers? Yes they do. They are messengers of the good news of Jesus Christ, and they bring this message to many people. Do you tell others about Jesus? If you do, then you have beautiful feet too!

Mollie: We are thinking about beautiful feet because some people are carrying the message of Jesus Christ to Rwanda, Africa. Carol Falke from our church has been helping at a children's home there and we wanted to help too. So we thought we would have a shoe collection so she can take them to Africa when she goes in August.

Leah: Let us pray...Give us feet, Lord, and make us swift and strong to carry the good news of your love to people EVERYWHERE!

The children gathered around for the special message.

Vincent Niyodusenga, visiting from Rwanda, thanked Mollie and Leah for their leadership in missions.

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