Monday, July 30, 2012

New Glasses

Mama's Ingoboka Fund provides 5 year old Claudine with new glasses.

Arlene shared, "It is easy to see and hard to put into words when hope becomes real. I sat in worship holding Claudine our special child who is 5 years old and nearly blind.

My reading glasses hung in the front of my blouse. To my amazement I watched as Claudine took one lens of the glasses and put it to her eye. She reached out and took the glasses from me and put them on her little face. Holding the glasses with both hands against her head she began to giggle and jumped from my lap looking in all directions running to and Friday gong her head from side to side looking at everything with her new eyes. Worship stopped as every eye watched this little girl discover a new world. PraiseGod. Hope made real.

Close your eyes then open them slowly and see what this precious little girl is seeing for the first time. I am a very thankful mama. There was no camera present to record this event, but it happened!!

Claudine is actually a miracle child brought to Arlene in 2009 when she was 2 years old weighing 15lbs. She needed heart surgery and eye surgery as she was blind. Mama was asked to help this little girl gain strength to survive the surgeries.

With good food, much love and many prayers she has grown to be a happy little girl surrounded by many brothers, sisters and mamas at Urukundo.

Everything that Arlene was told would be impossible for her, God has made possible.

*Not only can she walk but she can dance
*As a desperate 2 year old child
*8 months after she arrived
*New glasses

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