Saturday, May 3, 2014

Teacher Training

Teacher training has become an important part of our ministry in Rwanda. We use teacher classroom projects in the US as a springboard to presenting new and imaginative ways to teach.

This year our Rwandan teachers decided to have a training everyday for an hour during their lunchtime. Initially I led the meeting presenting the projects and asking the preschool and elementary teachers to determine what grade level would take on each project. The teachers shared ideas on how to implement them in the classroom and what materials were needed.

Then I stepped back and had the teachers begin leading the trainings. They discussed how well the project worked, what were the difficulties and how this could lead to additional projects. They shared the students excitement and that kids in other classes asked when they would begin.

We realized that all the classes would begin working on the art and writing and not just one or two at a time. These collaborative projects and the teacher trainings would happen during three weeks while I was there and while classes were in session.

Teachers Training the teachers!!!

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