Thursday, July 16, 2015

Danielle and Dave Pt 4

Day 3 (Rainy Day, Tuesday)
It rained many times throughout the day and sometimes hard enough to bend the trees. This was a problem. The year before the orphanage’s silo failed. The silo was used to store elephant grass during the wet season for the cows to eat during the dry season, when grass prices doubled. However, the grass had not dried enough before being chopped and stored. The result was rotted feed and an expensive order for the cows in the dry season. This year, it was decided to lay the grass out in the sun to dry enough, in hopes that the feed would not rot. The rain made the work of turning and drying the grass from the day before almost futile.

Most of the day was spent trying to beat the rain. We worked to get all the elephant grass into one big pile and under a tarp before the storm blew in. Any other work that could get done despite the rain was postponed because it was a memorial day for Rwanda. This holiday meant that all the stores and markets were closed, halting our progress on the hutch when materials were needed.

When we realized defeat, I spent the rest of the day playing with the kids and having them read to me.

*Pit Silo from last year
*Drying cow grass
*Protecting cut grass in pit silo from the rain
*Pouring outside

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