Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Landslides and floods hit several parts of Rwanda in May after a period of heavy rainfall. Between May 8-9th, almost 2 inches of rain was recorded in one area during a 24 hour period. Northern Rwanda is particularly hilly, making it vulnerable to landslides during the rainy season. Government officials say that at least 49 deaths have been recorded so far, most being children. Some of the victims drowned in flood water, others died after houses collapsed under the heavy rain or landslide. Over 500 homes were destroyed.

The worst hit areas are the districts of Gakenke and Muhunga. Urukundo Children’s Home is in Muhunga District. 73 homes were destroyed and many more damaged. The 73 families lost everything. Our supply of drinking water was cut, but thank goodness we have water tanks throughout the property collecting rainwater.

Urukundo is also fine as retaining walls that were built several years ago protected the buildings. But Oswald, one of our Rwanda board members, said his home is no longer sound and cannot be repaired. He is in need of help. Urukundo is doing what we can by providing some funds for his family’s relocation.

Right after the landslides, government officials approached Mama Arlene to see how Urukundo can help those in the community that were affected. Two large containers, one with adult clothing and one with children's clothing were packed up and given for the local mudslide victims. Along with the clothes, 3 containers of cooking oil were purchased and vegetables from our gardens were shared.

Arlene is so thankful to everyone that has given clothing, baby items, shoes and kids underwear and socks to Urukundo. “Because YOU care we can share”.

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