Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Primary School

Before we left, the team prayerfully agreed to support the building of the first of three classrooms for the Cyakabiri Primary School. The initial money was sent before we arrived to begin the leveling of the ground and laying the foundation. $7,500 of the $12,500 needed has been raised. Thanks to many of you we are building!

Now that we are here, Greg, Kevin and Dan are working beside the men and women workers. Jobs for families. There are even two married couples working together. There are many hired as the wages are $2.00 a day. More than the possible $1.00 a day, if they could even find a job.

Our guys are carrying the bricks and even admit some of the women can carry heavier loads. Work is 8:00am to 12:00 then break for 2 hours and resume from 2:00-4:00. It is backbreaking work in the hot sun. But smiles and much joy is shared when they see the muzungu arrive each day to work with them.

We are so blessed to be a part of this ministry of education.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting it must be to actually be there and see the classrooms taking shape! Blessings on and prayers for all those doing this hot tiring work.
