Friday, June 14, 2013


Work continued throughout the week on the rabbit hutches. All the doors were fixed. Several Water bottles that were sent last fall worked so another 20 will be needed. These are ones that we use for pets in the US. Talia, a soon to be PSU student from Bloomsburg, will hopefully take them when she goes this July.

Another process they worked on was tattooing the rabbits for breeding purposes. The first photo shows them doing this. The tattoo kit was sent by Dave with a previous team but unfortunately the identification numbers were not included. They realized the farmers would not do this unless they showed them in person. Back home I quickly bought what they needed, sent them FedEx to Arlene in Virginia so she would have them a day before she left for Rwanda. It was the last set at the store. As you can see they arrived!! We make thing happen even across the world.

And of course the children are so very curious about all that is happening at the farm. Here Paul and Kenny discuss raising rabbits. Teaching goes on all the time.

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