Sunday, February 19, 2017

Why I knit?

"In this life, I don't get a be a real grandmother. Knitting for babies and children through Knitting4peace lets me feel kind of like someone's grandmother. It brings me joy and happiness!" ~~ Chris

Three years ago I met Chris Murphy, knitter extraordinaire! Our connection was through all the baby hats, washcloths and baby peace pals she was knitting for Knitting 4 Peace an organization in Denver, CO founded by Susan McKee. Check them out!!!!

She would knit these amazing birthing kits and ship them to Denver to then be shipped to others for distribution. Once we met we realized there was an opportunity to save on shipping. She would provide me with what I needed for our new Mom and Baby Community Outreach then email Susan KcKee the numbers. What a great way to streamline the process.

But little did I realize the love that went into each piece Chris made. Hats were different patterns and peace babies matched even down to the bow! I recently emailed photos of Chris's baby peace pals to Susan at Knitting4Peace and it was posted on their website and Facebook page.

Just yesterday I received this email from Susan, "Chris’s Birthing Kits that I posted on our Facebook page has received a greater response than any other single photo we’ve ever posted: 88 “Likes” and 2,880 total people reached. You are an awesome/amazing team! I’m so grateful for ALL of you!!"

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