Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Spy 2

The school partnerships have been received with much excitement by the teachers and the children. After spending part of a day playing I Spy with the Houserville project they began working on their own to send to the US. We had brought all the necessary supplies with us as magazines and stickers were not easily available.

They sorted 9 pictures, paste them, then wrote the corresponding words in English and some in Kinyarwanda. Several shared with the class what was on their page. Having the opportunity to be creative AND make a gift for children in the US was something new. And they loved every minute of it. As did their teachers.

The teachers said this project emphasized new words, helped with spelling and introduced photos of objects that were unknown to them.

I will be writing about many classroom to classroom partnerships we are working on. As well as the teacher training. I am facilitating this everyday from 11:00-12:00 with the teachers sharing, asking questions and making recommendations. Wait until you see what is developing as the teachers are embracing many new concepts.

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